Thursday, January 14, 2016

Should the Government Allow Genetically Modified Embryos?

Parents always want their children to succeed, to become successful so does our government, but how far is the government willing to go to let us succeed? Are they willing to make designer babies? Are we willing to let the government make designer babies? In the U.S. today it is illegal to make designer babies, unless it is to prevent your future child to get a disease. Although, preventing deathly diseases and seeing your child suffer is miserable to the parent and child, is it still okay to make a genetically modified embryo? There are many downfalls that could come from the government allowing us to make designer babies. For example, wealthier classes can afford for this expensive procedure, while lower classes cannot, and it is unjust to the lower classes who can to pay for this procedure. To make a designer baby it costs from $10,000 to $15,000. The price alone, of making designer babies, will cause discrimination against the wealthier classes and the lower classes. Not mention the disparity that will go from the people who are genetically modified and those who are not. How far are we willing to let the scientist take genetically altered children into the future?

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